120 Years Ago
The Kootenay Mail
Nov. 5, 1897
The Mail was pleased to hear that the Board of Trade had protested against the ridiculous sanitary regulation which required a dumping ground to be located on the Big Bend Road.
The health officer’s solicitation and care for the wishes of Revelstoke are very nicely shown in the Board of Trade’s request to authorities to change the location of this dumping ground.
100 Years Ago
The Revelstoke Review
Nov. 1, 1917
Work on the Big Bend Road has now reached 16 Mile and is being pushed forward. One team struck camp for 19-Mile on Monday, and if the weather continues favourable, should reach this point in about three weeks. This will afford a good opportunity for the Mammoth mine to get out their ore as soon as the sleighing becomes good.
70 Years Ago
The Revelstoke Review
Nov. 5, 1947
Jim Williams was elected president, Miss Lucille Henderson, secretary-treasurer, and Kenneth George, captain, at a meeting of the newly-formed Revelstoke Motorcycle Club.
60 Years Ago
The Revelstoke Review
Nov. 7, 1957
An electrical contracting business was opened by Harold A. Foulds. He was located in Stan’s Plumbing and Heating on First Street West. Mr. Foulds has a wide experience from working in a diesel-electric generating plant in Saskatchewan.
Halloween passed quietly in Revelstoke compared to the depredations reported from other centres.
There was a large amount of horseplay here and there, some windows were soaped, but no damage of any consequence was reported.
Kinsmen set off a brilliant display of fireworks on the slopes of Mount Revelstoke.
50 Years Ago
The Revelstoke Review
Nov. 2, 1967
Howard Johnston, the man representing Okanagan-Revelstoke since the last election, was nominated in Golden to carry the Social Credit banner in the new Okanagan-Kootenay riding.
Mr. Johnston was the unanimous choice of 53 delegates from all parts of the riding.
40 Years Ago
The Revelstoke Review
Nov. 2, 1977
The Selkirk Medical Group continued to alter its operations to meet the changing needs of the community.
The population increase necessitated the addition of another physician to the group. Dr. Peter Scoates became a full-time associate.