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Horsey Ladies rope in $13K for Okanagan equine groups

27th annual Horsey Ladies Charity Auction splits funds between 4 groups

Even the weather couldn't rein in the spirit of giving of more than 100 horse-loving ladies.

The 27th annual Horsey Ladies Charity Auction raised more than $13,000 Nov. 16 at Vernon's Prestige Hotel.

"A total of 152 tickets were sold, but the weather wreaked havoc with the (snowy) road conditions so our group was a modest 126," said Nancy Roman. "But that did not deter the horsey gals to bid on silent auction items or enter their tickets in the toonie auction."

It was decided to share the total funds with the top four vote-getters, voted on by each woman in attendance.

Recipients include: Freedom’s Gate Equine Rescue $6,500, Equisdom Therapeutic Horsemanship Association $4,500, Old Friends Canada $1,000 and Armstrong/Spallumcheen Trails Society $1,000.

"The gals were welcome to get up and pitch for their favourite charity over dinner during ‘open mic,’" explains Roman. 

To date the Horsey Ladies Okanagan have raised more than $153,000 and have given it all back to charity.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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