Ryan Collins’ People Like Us documentary is now available to stream online following its theatrical release in the fall of 2023.
Ryan Collins is a local photographer, filmmaker, and video editor. Having worked behind the camera for several years gaining experience on a variety of projects, People Like Us was his first time working as a director.
Collins’ movie examined what it means to be a gay man in Revelstoke. Speaking with members of the local queer community, as Collins delves into his own experiences, he also frames a broader theme of queer communities in rural mountain town spaces.
People Like Us from Mountain Hardwear on Vimeo.
Featuring several local Revelstokians, the film connects with Queershred Revelstoke and the Open Mountains Project to further understand the local queer community. Although Collins was happy with the end product, he admitted that the topic has room for more exploration.
“The film’s short. It only reaches the surface of the whole topic,” he said.
Collins’ film premiered at the Revelstoke Performing Arts Centre on Dec. 1, but now the film is available everywhere on Vimeo.
READ MORE: Revelstoke film examines queer identities affected by small mountain town life