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Rain forecasted for afternoon

Rain forecasted for afternoon

Slushy and slippery on Hwy. 1
Tracing their family tree

Tracing their family tree

Sisters searching for Summerland connection
World Down Syndrome Day: The up side of Down

World Down Syndrome Day: The up side of Down

A Kelowna family’s journey with Down Syndrome: ‘There is tremendous beauty in these kids’
Highway maintenance on Trans-Canada Highway

Highway maintenance on Trans-Canada Highway

DriveBC says to expect 20 minute delays
Busy weekend for Revelstoke Search and Rescue

Busy weekend for Revelstoke Search and Rescue

RevSAR responded to three calls on March 16 and 17
Families affected by dementia receive support almost a year earlier when referred to First Link® dementia support

Families affected by dementia receive support almost a year earlier when referred to First Link® dementia support

One of the most important building blocks necessary to creating a truly dementia-friendly province – where people living with dementia, their caregivers and their families are welcomed, acknowledge and supported – is ensuring that people have access to the support and education that they need, when they need it. The Alzheimer Society of B.C. connects with British Columbians affected by dementia through First Link® dementia support.
Revelstoke Bear Aware sets sights on 2018

Revelstoke Bear Aware sets sights on 2018

The local non-profit is currently in conversation with the City to bring new residential garbage cans to Revelstoke
UPDATE: Hwy. 1 open to single lane alternating traffic at Three Valley Gap

UPDATE: Hwy. 1 open to single lane alternating traffic at Three Valley Gap

A motor vehicle incident had closed Hwy. 1 in both directions
Fallen ice on Highways 1 and 23

Fallen ice on Highways 1 and 23

DriveBC warning drivers of debris on roads Monday morning
Limited visibility and dense fog on highways

Limited visibility and dense fog on highways

DriveBC is reporting slippery sections and dense fog on Hwy. 1 and 23