As he prepared to register for the individual portion of the 24 Hours of Adrenaline race at SilverStar Mountain Resort at the turn of the century, Coldstream runner Dan Kunzelman was taken aback by a question from the registrar:
"Who is your support team?"
Signing up only himself for the event – bike as many of the 18 kilometre loops around SilverStar as possible in 24 hours – Kunzelman hadn't considered he would need a support crew (there was a team portion to the race as well).
While Kunzelman contemplated the question, a voice from behind spoke up: "I'll be your support person, Dan."
The voice was that of William (Kit) Johaneson, longtime friend of Kunzelman. The pair, with others, co-founded the Kal RATS (Racing and Triathlon Sports) Club in 1995. Johaneson just happened to be at the mountain to watch and cheer on competitors.
"He said, 'I'll be your support team, Dan. I'm not doing anything, anyway. I just have to let Lynne (Kit's wife) know what I'm doing,'" laughed Kunzelman, as he remembered his decades-long friend who died suddenly at home Jan. 20 at the age of 80.
Named William Kristian Johaneson after his two grandfathers, said his son, Darin, his parents didn’t want to call him Bill or William, so they went with Kit as a nickname.
"When he was old enough to go to school, they asked him if he wanted people to call him Bill or some other variation, and he said, “No, my name is Kit,'” said Darin.
Johaneson and Lynne owned and operated Bags N All in the Village Green Centre for years, often sponsoring running and racing events, and, of course, showing up to help at Kal RATS events like Starting Block 10K, the Sprint Triathlon and the Kal Park Trail Run.
"He was a volunteer extraordinaire," said Kunzelman. "Even as he tried to overcome health issues, there would be Kit timing people, gathering their numbers when they finished at races.
"You could rely on him for anything you needed."
Kunzelman shared the death of Johaneson on social media. He called his pal "a competitor, cheerleader, supporter, and friend," and those sentiments were echoed by those who commented on the passing.
"I had the privilege of knowing him since 2001," said Vernon's Randy Wilson. "He made life brighter for many and was a champion of sport and volunteerism in the Okanagan. A true gem."
Added Dawna Parker Jodoin, trail and ultimate runner who owns and operates Vernon's Bush Babes Trail Running: "Such sad news. He was such a great man and an inspiration to so many."
The Kal RATS club is coming to a close after hosting 30 years of races in the City of Vernon. Darlene Wood, the president of the club in 2024, said Johaneson's passing will leave a tremendous loss for the past club, the sporting community, and the City of Vernon as a whole.
"Fit Kit, as he was affectionately termed, gave his time tirelessly for races held not only by the RATS but to so many other community sporting events," said Wood. "His dedication to the triathlon community led his home club to name him as a Lifetime Member.
"He was an accomplished triathlete with a lifetime commitment to multi-sport. He was involved in triathlons (swimming, biking, running), yoga and skiing. His enthusiasm for life and to staying fit was contagious."
Wood said Kal RATS is hoping to name a future bursary for graduating Grade 12 students in Kit's name.
Johaneson is survived by his wife, Lynne; two children, Darin (Jenny), of Vernon, and Kristin Halsey (Don) of Sylvan Lake, Alta; Grandchildren Jasmine Howard (Brian), Evan Johaneson, Derian Halsey, Dania Neville (Sam).
A celebration of Johaneson will be held Saturday, Jan. 25, from 6-9 p.m. at Vernon's Lakers Clubhouse on Cummins Road in Okanagan Landing.