It is pleasing to note that at last Saturday’s meeting of the Municipal Council notice of motion was given by Councillor J. D. McGuire that he would at the next meeting introduce a fire protection bylaw. This is a move in the right direction, but if the needed protection is to be advanced towards its enactment by easy monthly stages with the usual routine of council business, a fire might easily come to pass and catch the town napping. What we need immediately is the formation of a ladder and bucket brigade and a plan of action in case of such an eventuality.
The ladies of Salmon Arm are busy making preparations for the leap year dance that they intend giving on Thursday next. They wish it to be understood that for the gentlemen it will be free, while the ladies will pay $1 admission.
There was more truth than poetry in the reports concerning the earthquake shock which was felt locally at mid-day on Monday. From reports on hand it appears that other parts of the province experienced similar shocks, Revelstoke being severely shaken. The shock was more fully felt in the substantial buildings, the movement being so marked that it was feared the courthouse would collapse. The shock apparently originated in the Rocky Mountains.
Prosperity is coming to Salmon Arm! Messrs. Lester and Thomson had three new Chevrolet cars of the latest model arrive here this week.
As the result of the assistance of members of the Canadian Legion, the boys representing the Salmon Arm Junior Hockey team will appear in their game today in new colours. The new jerseys, of which the boys are very proud, are white with blue facings and look smart.
On Monday night the City Council held one of their longest sessions in many months, closing down about 11 p.m. Reeve Damgaard and Clr. Metford appeared from the District Council in regard to supplying water to residents outside the city. The reeve stated that there was the probability that four new houses would be built in the Old Enderby Road area, provided the owners could get assurance of a water supply. Mayor Thompson said that they had made a resolution against supplying more outside homes and he did not see how they could get over this. Again this year, at certain times, they had not had sufficient water for their own users.