John Hordyk
Council Candidate
I’ve lived in Revelstoke for six years and have come to call this place home. I’ve been a member of the City of Revelstoke Environmental Advisory Committee and the Curling Club executive, and am currently on the Rod and Gun Club executive. I’ve also volunteered for dig nights for the mountain bike trails, helped out at the Revelstoke Grizzlies games, assisted with the Revelstoke Adaptive Sports Program, and have lent a hand now and then at the Legion. Hobbies include many of the Revelstoke mountain sports and this summer I also got back into beekeeping. My trade has been water and wastewater treatment, so I have quite a bit of municipal government experience that would help me hit the ground running. My main concern is housing insecurity. Too many people who grew up here had to move away. Many of the workers we interact with throughout our day here have no idea when they might be priced out of the rental market. I grew up in a rural town and know the importance of community. Being an active part of Revelstoke and giving back is very important to me, and I hope I can continue to do this as a City Councillor.
While I am very passionate about many issues that are better addressed at different levels of government, my main concern is housing insecurity. Too many people who grew up here had to move away. Many of the workers we interact with throughout our day here have no idea when they might be priced out of the rental market. The next item that Revelstoke needs to address is getting ready for climate change. While we can be a leader in reducing CO/2 emissions, Revelstoke can’t fix climate change on its own. However, Revelstoke needs to get our town ready for climate change. Insisting new development is built for the next 100 years of weather variability, fire resistance, flood protection, etc. I grew up in a rural town and know the importance of community. Being an active part of Revelstoke and giving back is very important to me, and I hope I can continue to do this as a City Councillor.
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