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Preview of upcoming Revelstoke Secondary School drama

The play is called Trap and RSS says they’ve never done anything like this before

Student’s at Revelstoke Secondary School are hard at work getting ready for next weeks play.

The performance is called Trap by Stephen Gregg. It takes place in Menachap, California. In the performance, every person in the audience of a high school play falls unconscious, that is every person but one. Investigators pursue the case by interviewing witnesses, loved ones, first responders in a documentary-style performance. According to Playscripts it’s “unnerving, exhilarating, and wildly inventive, you’ve never walked into anything quite like Trap.”

“It’s very interesting,” says Isabella Mendonca, who plays a school councillor.

“And there’s a twist at the end.”

It will be shown at Revelstoke Preforming Arts Centre Jan. 16, 17, and 18 at 7:00 p.m. Tickets can be bought at the door.