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From the archives - This month in history

Hospital to Make Appeal for X-Ray Machine and Ambulance

Jan. 20, 1921

Very few citizens of Revelstoke are aware of the urgent need by the Queen Victoria Hospital of an X-Ray machine. And it will be news to a good many more to know that the local institution has been without an indispensable article of this nature ever since last summer, and when it is realized that any citizen of Revelstoke might, perchance, be the next to requires its services, it is doubly urgent that efforts be put forth at once to install an up-to-date machine that will serve every contingency.

In 1904 the hospital put in its first X-Ray machine. This was a static machine, the electricity being derived by friction against the glass plate, and turned by hand.

Horse Breaks Show Windows

Jan. 9, 1931

Two Plate Glass Windows Broke In Store of J.Q. McKinnon

Two plate glass windows were broken and considerable excitement was created about ten o’clock New Year’s morning when a horse belonging to a local Chinese vegetable peddler crashed through a plate glass window in the store of J.Q. McKinnon on the corner of First Street and Connaught Avenue.

The horse, probably having absorbed some of the enthusiasm evident at the passing of the old year, started down the avenue at a good clip. Approaching First Street, an attempt was made to stop it, as the result of which the horse shied to one side, hit the window and went right through, landing among the window displays.

Dog Round-Up is Arranged by the City Council Friday Last

Jan. 2, 1941

City Council Will Dispatch Dog Catcher and Truck To Round Up Dogs Wandering on City Streets

The vexed question of dogs was again under discussion at the regular meeting of the city council, which was held last Friday instead of on Christmas Eve, the regular meeting night. When the by-law providing that dogs must be on leash when off their owners premises was passed last spring, there was some improvement in the city, but the condition has been gradually growing worse until in recent weeks the streets have been over-run with carefree canines, several aldermen explained. The by-law, it was pointed out, was passed in good faith for a definite purpose, and the council did not propose to put laws on the local statutes which were to be regarded as a joke.

Consequently it was decided to arrange for a pound-keeper, to provide him with a net and a city truck and other help for the purpose of instituting a round-up of the dogs. The plan will be put into effect this week-end. Owners of dogs will have 48 hours in which to pay the pound fees. Failure to do so will result in the dogs being destroyed.

Canada and U.S. Expected to Sign Agreement on Columbia Next Week

Jan. 12, 1961

Ratification will release huge works program for B.C.

Fourteen years of international activity reached agreement Sunday afternoon when Canadian and U.S. negotiating teams finally found themselves in accord on the terms of a treaty for the joint development of the Columbia River.

The agreement came in Ottawa after a weekend of feverish activity. . .

To B.C. it will mean the spending of about $450 million on development of B.C.’s part of the international Columbia River system over a period of from five to nine years, and possibly the expenditure of an additional $1 billion in the following 15 to 20 years.

Good prospects for Revelstoke Projects

Jan. 7, 1981

Prospects for Revelstoke in 1981 look relatively bright. Construction on the Revelstoke Dam will be in full swing later this year. Full production on the concrete structures is expected in March and the earth dam construction should be well underway by April. Concrete placement will peak in 1981 with the summer work force estimated to reach 2500 employees.

Also in the Spring, the Noranada Goldstream project, 50 miles north of Revelstoke will begin in earnest. Once in full operation 210 will be employed.

The Revelstoke Co-op’s new centre should also be going ahead in the Spring.

In planning future forests . . . Computers have major role

Jan. 14, 1981

Foretelling the future has moved out of the realm of crystal balls and astrology and into the world of high technology.

British Columbia’s Ministry of Forests is in the vanguard of the new business of scientifically based predictions, using computer models to forecast the future and plan for what lies ahead.

Although British Columbia is in no danger of running out of trees, in many areas supplies of mature fir, spruce and cedar – the most desirable species – are becoming tight.

War cancels RSS band trip

Jan. 23, 1991

RSS senior band students will have to wait until next year to see Disneyland. Fears of aerial sabotage in response to Iraqi president Saddam Hussein’s call for jihad, holy war, against all Western countries involved in the Persian Gulf War, have grounded the band’s California concert tour.

Lobby group fires first salvo in highway safety campaign

Jan. 17, 2001

Staff at the Revelstoke post office will be very busy for the next few days. They can expect more than 4,000 letters to come pouring in to Victoria and Ottawa.

The bulk mailing is the result of a weekend letter-writing campaign organized by the Revelstoke for a Safe Trans-Canada Highway committee. Spokesman Mark McKee is very happy with the success of what he says may prove the first of several letter blitzes.

“I think it’s a good start,” McKee said Monday. “We had a lot of people come out, a lot of encouragement, a lot of support.”

Winter’s not finished with Revelstoke yet

Jan. 21, 2001

The weekend snowfall served as a reminder to many residents that Revelstoke is still in the middle of winter even if the weather hasn’t seemed like it sometimes. Climate specialist Dave Lahn at the Kelowna regional weather office says winter for Revelstoke has been milder than usual this season though the exact reason is hard to pin down. . .

The average winter temperature for the Revelstoke area for January has been between two to three degrees warmer than normal through Lahn said it was “bang on normal for December” thanks to the mid-month cold snap which helped bring in the first real snowfall.

“That’s been the only real taste of winter we’ve hard,” Lahn said, “but I wouldn’t be surprised to see us in a colder regional system towards the latter half of next week.”

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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