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Our Winter Wonderland Photo Contest is accepting entries so send your best photos showcasing the Revelstoke area in the winter. They can be action photos, family pictures or scenic photos of the region. The winner gets their photo printed and framed courtesy of Pure Studios.
You can view the weekly winners in the slideshow above.
Complete rules are as follows:
Photos must be from Revelstoke North to Mica Dam, South to the Ferry, West to Craigellachie and all of Glacier National Park. Please respect the theme. Colour or Black & White images accepted. All entries must have name, phone number, & where it was taken. All entries must be e-mailed as jpeg to: by Friday at noon to be included in the weekly contest. Photos are judged on a weekly basis, you may submit a different photo each week. One weekly winner will be chosen, published, and entered into the final contest. Final contest winner will be chosen by Pure Studios and the winner will have their photo framed and finished by Pure Studios. Contest Closes Friday, March 11th at noon. Final winner will be published Wednesday, March 23rd, 2011. No professional photos.
About the Author: Black Press Media Staff
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