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Trans-Canada invites you to Revelstoke’s Ultimate Loser Challenge

Remember that New Year’s resolution to get healthier in 2011? Well, it’s February already. If you aren’t any closer to that promise to yourself, Trans-Canada Fitness wants to help you kick-start your regime with their Ultimate Loser Weight Loss Challenge.
Trans-Canada Fitness exercise therapist and trainer Neil Jones wants to help you kick start a healthier 2011 with their Ultimate Loser Weight Loss Challenge.

Remember that New Year’s resolution to get healthier in 2011? Well, it’s February already.

If you aren’t any closer to that promise to yourself, Trans-Canada Fitness wants to help you kick-start your regime with their Ultimate Loser Weight Loss Challenge.

Gym owner, exercise therapist and personal trainer Neil Jones says the concept is based loosely on popular weight loss TV shows, but with a difference. The exaggerated drama and spit-in-your-ear drill instructors will be replaced with sensible, lifestyle-changing instruction that will help challengers attain their short-term goals and also learn lifelong, sustainable health skills.

Jones says many of us are in the same boat when it comes to taking that first step towards better health. People want to make changes but are “unmotivated or they don’t know what to do to help themselves,” Jones says. “The whole point of this is to get people in here to learn things, and even if they learn one thing that sticks with them that helps them, then I feel like we’ve done our jobs.”

Jones says they’ll be coaching participants on the appropriate lifestyle changes to help them to their long-term goals, including a balanced lifestyle, good nutrition and exercise.

A key component is to find the exercises that are right for you. Many newcomers to fitness clubs are often bewildered and confused about what they should be doing. “Just because an exercise exists doesn’t mean it’s appropriate for you,” he says. The certified trainer and exercise therapist can help you with the program that’s appropriate for you.

The gym is offering a special discount for the three-month Feb. 15–May 15 challenge, but Jones emphasizes you don’t need to join the gym to take part. You can come in for the weekly weigh-ins, advice and a start-up training session. Participants’ progress will be charted using anonymous names to protect those who are shy about publicly announcing their particulars.

The winner will be based on weight-loss achievements derived from body-fat percentages.

The Ultimate Loser challenge does have one thing in common with the TV shows that inspired it: “The business community has been so behind this,” Jones says, listing off the $2,500 in prizes up for grabs to the winner. They include a one-year gym membership, a workout outfit set-up from Universal Footwear, a photo-shoot of the results from Pure Studios, a makeover from the Refinery Day Spa, an air purifier from Healthy Living Technologies, a gift certificate from the Village Idiot, a gift certificate from Style Trend, a six-month supply for water from Revelstoke’s Own, a gift certificate from Spice O’ Life, passes to Sky Trek and the Enchanted Forest and meals from Chalet Bakery. Second and third place prizes include a two-night stay at Halcyon Hot Springs and a $200 gift certificate from Style Trend.

Jones emphasizes the challenge isn’t just about the top three – there’ll be no elimination round. “If a person comes in and they leave going out that door better than they came in, again, that’s the accomplishment.”

Trans-Canada Fitness is located at 501 2nd St. West. 250-837-3440.

About the Author: Black Press Media Staff

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