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New West Kelowna billboard says unvaxxed doctors want to go back to work

The sign says “Allow us to do our part to help B.C.’s collapsing healthcare.”

A new billboard has caught the attention of drivers in West Kelowna.

The digital advertisement says “50 terminated unvaccinated B.C. doctors willing to serve YOU the public TODAY. Allow us to do our part to help B.C.’s collapsing healthcare.”

The Canadian Society for Science and Ethics in Medicine (CSSEM) is the organization behind the sign.

Dr. York Hsiang, a retired vascular surgeon from Vancouver, is one of the spokespeople for the campaign.

READ MORE: ‘Hire back our Heroes’ campaign wants to get unvaxxed workers back in B.C. hospitals

Hsiang and the CSSEM has submitted a judicial review that will be in front of the Supreme Court of B.C. in November.

The review, which will be looked at by a judge, demands that the Nov. 18, 2021 order, put in place by B.C.’s Public Health Officer that requires healthcare workers to be vaccinated against COVID-19, be rescinded.

As a result of the COVID-19 vaccine mandate, Interior Health said that they terminated approximately four and a half percent of their employees. There were 953 employees terminated. “Our health-care facilities provide care for our most vulnerable, at-risk residents, and it is important that Interior Health maintains layers of protection for them,” said the health region.

Neighbouring Alberta and Saskatchewan do not have vaccine mandates in place for hospital staff and Hsiang said that unvaccinated B.C. physicians are considering moving to the prairies to continue working.

B.C is experiencing a shortage of physicians, particularly family doctors.

On Aug. 24 , B.C. Health Minister Adrian Dix announced that the province will invest $118 million to support family doctors and prevent the closure of clinics in the province.


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Jacqueline Gelineau

About the Author: Jacqueline Gelineau

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