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RCMP Musical Ride coming to Revelstoke as part of 150th anniversary tour

The RCMP will host two performances at the Equestrian Club in Revelstoke on July 4

The RCMP Musical Ride is coming to Revelstoke next month to celebrate the organization’s 150th anniversary.

Members of the RCMP will host the event at the Equestrian Grounds on Airport Way on July 4 at 2 p.m. and 6 p.m.

Admission is free to the public with a donation to the food bank, and the afternoon will also feature performances from the Selkirk Saddle Club Youth Members.

“It’s an extraordinary year to see a performance as the RCMP marks their 150th anniversary,” said the City of Revelstoke in a post announcing the event.

Proceeds from the event will go to the Revelstoke Food Bank.

The Musical Ride performs in up to 50 communities across Canada each year. To celebrate their 150th anniversary, the RCMP will be on a cross-Canada tour, performing intricate formations and drills set to music to raise money for local charities and non-profit groups.

“We’re excited for the future,” said Revelstoke Mayor Gary Sulz on the RCMP in Revelstoke.

“I think the RCMP have been doing well in our community and I applaud them for what they do,” added Sulz. “I’m grateful for them to be here to keep our community safe.”

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