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Jocelyn’s Jottings: Trying to go more green

I’m having a minor ‘how can I contribute to saving the world’ dilemma.

I’m having a minor ‘how can I contribute to saving the world’ dilemma.

I do my best to avoid using straws.

I don’t drink coffee but when I get a tea latte I use a reusable coffee mug.

The other day I took a glass with me to get a smoothie from the Green Mustache because I didn’t want to use the plastic to go cups they give you.

I have reusable grocery bags and I recycle everything, which is a bit of a hassle because my place is so small there isn’t much room to store anything and we don’t have curbside pickup at my place so I have to take it to the recycling depot. But I will make it work because there is no way I am throwing all of that stuff away.

I’m trying my best but it still doesn’t feel like enough.

So far I haven’t figured out a way to compost. I don’t have a yard, or even a balcony, so at the moment that is out.

And these days I have been feeling guilty about ordering fast food and buying prepackaged food from the grocery store.

I guess I will have to stay away from the french fries and start making my own granola bars, both of which are probably healthier choices in the long run.

But it isn’t just the granola bars. There is too much packaging in general. I already avoid the foam egg containers, but I can’t avoid the pre-packaged toilet paper, canned fruit packs, bags of flour or boxes of cereal.

In Campbell River someone I met would take her reusable glass containers to the health food store and buy in bulk. But even then she said the store owners were somewhat skeptical about it.

There is just a consumption problem all around. I am as guilty of it as anyone. I like nice things, I like to have my home just so and have my favourite snacks at the end of the day.

But each popsicle is packaged, and then put in a box! I recycle the box but still, all those plastic wrappers.

I guess I will have to start making my own popsicles as well.

Time to get creative to do my part to make less garbage. An interesting challenge while the world of consumerism catches up.

What do you do to produce less garbage?

On another green note, happy bike to work week!

Are you participating in the event? We would love to see photos of you on-route to work!

I will not be participating, but don’t worry, I won’t be driving either.

I live across the street from work. In the end it would be more effort for me to carry my bike down the stairs than it would be for me to actually bike across the street.

I am impressed with this town! The bike to work week initiative isn’t even really needed, it seems everyone already bikes to work here!

Good thing to, with the price of gas being what it is.